Fourth Class took part in a food and climate action workshop over the past number of weeks. They worked diligently in small groups where they all learned the importance of teamwork and cooperation. This was done in conjunction with the Green Schools Programme and An Taisce. In their small groups they came up with an invention that will help to solve the problems of hunger and food waste in the world. The students drew their inventions, labelled them and then even made their own prototypes out of recycled materials. The inventions were then presented to the Green Schools Officer through a whole class zoom call where they were recorded. We are looking forward to taking part in the inaugural international linking event where schools from Ireland and Kenya will showcase their work next week. We can’t wait to see which one of our inventions will be showcased!
Green–Schools is an international environmental education programme, offering a well-defined, controllable way for schools to take environmental issues from the curriculum and apply them to the day-to-day running of their school. Green–Schools are now represented in over 53 countries from all over the world.
Take a look at their presentations below: